The Plasma Generator

posted under by Ghostdog

This is more the case of common sense than anything else and yet Africans seem to be missing the point here. I know this may sound a little crass to draw the practicality of any form of comparison between Real Life and a sci-Fi Strategy game but the truth is in the works people!!
Anybody knows that any well respectable society that “claims” to be on the push ahead would at least take care of the basics that’ll drive it there.
The power situation in most African especially those of sub-Saharan Africa leaves too much more to be desired. I can even begin to relate the frustration and fix in which you find yourself in when you experience another power outage. It happens soo much that people don’t even care anymore. You begin to hear comments like “Wow these people are doing good, we haven’t power outage in two solid months, Boo hoo!!”.

This seems to affect all manner of living. At least large businesses and firms can afford sophisticated power plants with automatic switches. But what about the little entrepreneur trying to start with limited finances?
Its all too often that you discover businesses activities quickly start devaluating after a couple of years in existence. And even in the case of college students, sometimes days before examination or even during its course. How can any country take you seriously when you refuse to treat yourselves in like manner.

The problem is a pandemic across the third world and still nothing seems to budge at it. Makes you have to wonder the role of these so called national leaders who are supposed to be striving for the interest of the people. Well, I cant say I blame them, they have equipped their houses with power plants and cant afford to feel the heat whiles they chill in their air conditions.
Well, as for me, you better believe I aint leaving my future in the hands of anyone You better believe it!


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