The Inevitable BRAIN DRAIN

posted under by keLz

I was listening to a program on BBC the other day and there were countless complaints on the side of numerous African states complaining bitterly about brain drain and the role of the West in bringing a stop to it.

The question I asked myself was … Why should the West put a stop to it?

I mean don’t get me wrong, I realize brain drain brings untold hardships to the already crumbling economies of African countries and yet I somehow see the how the cycle is out of the control of developed countries which house these scholars.

Reflecting on this topic still doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

Most third World countries don’t put the necessary emphasis on education as it’s supposed to. There’s little attempt being made to create the free basic education environment which is beginning to look like an illusion outside our reach.

On the other hand, developed countries like the United States, Canada and Most European colonies offer free education on the junior to high school levels of education. Making it a MUST for their future leaders


        The other reason, which seems so justified on the part of those who leave their countries, is the unavailability of facilities and strictures to help them further their goals.

An example was given on BBC about a Medical Researchers who have to flee for Europe or the States just to be able to do their research … and you wonder why the drugs you are taking aren’t performing their roles (Cos it wasn’t really tested on African’s to compare environmental features as well as social effects, generic drugs).


Personally, I can relate to this reason. Sometimes, you are so hungry for knowledge and you are prepared to climb the ladder…. the only thing missing is the available step. So what other choice do you have, when you are ambitious?


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