The Inner Parasite

posted under by keLz

The previous post has brought several agitations which my brain has tried to severe and suppress because of the lack of perspective and a better judgment.

The fact is that the Ghanaian education system has failed us all. Most people may not want to accept the reality but it is the cause of untold number of problems which bother the motherland in this day. You’ll all agree with me that inadequate education is always better than no education at all.

          But still …. MORE COULD BE DONE!!!

Education is the driving force for development and success in any human establishment. A typical example is the Malaysia-Ghana comparison. These two countries attained independence at approximately the same time yet, the difference in the economies and level of development between them is better untold.

Our education system is a parasite which is eating us from within and if not rectified, we’ll realize the damage too late(assuming it isn’t already.)

 The problem all comes down to practicals. In a country where several people give unnecessary respect to blue collar jobs and an economy who partakes in solely service provision and little in the way of production is ultimately doomed to failure. The nation in itself has no integrity and has lost its pride.


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