The Blank Response

posted under by keLz
Its Tuesday December 30th, two days after the Second round of the Ghanaian elections and a sudden silence and tension surround s the airwaves around me.It's typical African politics as usual. An election is started, there's an anomaly, results are postponed for a few days, more tension then someone hijacks the seat ....
Its like a senseless vicious cycle, to which Ghanaian's aren't immune. Its pathetic but its true!!

We all wished it wouldn't come to this but .. hey, that's life right? No, that's an African's life. Plagued by greed and a thirst for power, accompanied by high illiteracy and a weak regulations system, we as a people have gone back in time to the dark ages, where people do anything for power.
Would this be the end of the Ghanaian tale? No, maybe it'll all be OK, I lament. Probably it'l all go away. It'll all be fine i think.
All I can do as an individual is hope and pray it doesn't get to the point of bloodshed. What more can one do? I


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