Ruins of the Old Republic

posted under by keLz
Like Every city, Accra has had its share of transformations and technology replacements. Some not particularly positive, but ...hey, that's life right?
One of theses are the telephone booths which were located all around the city to help people communicate with eachother on the move.

These prepaid phone booths represented the apex of communication during my high school days and students were found in long queues with purchased cards awaiting their turn to make calls to whomever they wished. There were also the '2 minutes boys', standing near the booths, eagerly awaiting an opportunity to borrow people cards for a "quick call".
These have been replaced by "space-to-space" operators. I find it rather backward for machines to be replaced by humans, since it's usually the other way round, but I guess the system works. The fault is that of GH telecom which didn't place these booths strategically across the capital. Well, I guess, it'll continue like this till the new "thing" comes along


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