Made in Accra

posted under by Ghostdog

My love for certain things seems always unwarranted! Well this time I’ll say this is my admiration of certain places. On February 1997, The Ghanaian government started a rigorous campaign towards the patronage of Ghanaian produced products ( I wonder how many of such products where available back then).The perception back then (and maybe some still think..)was that Ghanaian made products were inferior to that of other countries. The government noted that this was a big step backward and wanted to change this perception as it was killing the local industries. But in reality What made Ghanaians receptive towards the consumption of foreign products…Well, I’ll say the availability of these products coupled by a cheaper price than local goods. These goods have been consumed for several decades and nothing was done to ban their imports even when local manufactures emerged in that same category. Can u blame the populace for embracing them?

          Could total banning the imports of products be the necessary step toward the achievement of the other step in the walk for development. 


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